Hacking TextMon

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Table of Contents

1 Introcdution

A number of examples on how to alter TextMon are presented. I'll assume you know what is explained in the prelude.

2 Changing the font

The CSS stylesheet that defines the font appearance is located in line 10 to 13. If

// Font properties
var styleSheet = { "font-family": "Liberation Mono",
                   "font-style": "normal",
                   "font-size": "10px",
                   "color": "white" };

is changed to use the default monospace font and a bigger font size

// Font properties
var styleSheet = { "font-family": "Monospace",
                   "font-style": "normal",
                   "font-size": "24px",
                   "color": "white" };

we get


Bigger font

The CSS properties at your disposal are listed here

Note I haven't played much with these beyond setting the font-family and font-size. I've tried adding a border

var styleSheet = { "font-family": "Liberation Mono",
                   "font-style": "normal",
                   "font-size": "10px",
                   "color": "white",
                   "border-style": "solid",
                   "border-width": "5px",
                   "border-color": "white" };

This made the applet bigger, so the border was added and set to 5px. The border color however wasn't white, but looked the same as the rest of the applet background. I actually like that, because it ensures my plasma desktop looks consistent, but I'd really like to know which properties I can use with plasma and which not (TODO).

3 Changing value decoration

The code that arranges the labels is at the lines 141-146

layout.addItem(sep("{cpu:"));  layout.addItem(cpu.label);  layout.addItem(sep("}"));
layout.addItem(sep("{mem:"));  layout.addItem(mem.label);  layout.addItem(sep("}"));
layout.addItem(sep("{wlan:")); layout.addItem(wlan.label); layout.addItem(sep("}"));
layout.addItem(sep("{sda:"));  layout.addItem(sda.label);  layout.addItem(sep("}"));

If we change remove the device name

layout.addItem(sep("{")); layout.addItem(cpu.label);  layout.addItem(sep("}"));
layout.addItem(sep("{")); layout.addItem(mem.label);  layout.addItem(sep("}"));
layout.addItem(sep("{")); layout.addItem(wlan.label); layout.addItem(sep("}"));
layout.addItem(sep("{")); layout.addItem(sda.label);  layout.addItem(sep("}"));

we'll get


Without device names

Or you do something entirely different

layout.addItem(sep("{")); layout.addItem(mem.label);  layout.addItem(sep("}"));
layout.addItem(sep("[")); layout.addItem(wlan.label); layout.addItem(sep("]"));
layout.addItem(sep("(")); layout.addItem(sda.label);  layout.addItem(sep(")"));


Random decoration

4 Removing cpu entry

This doesn't make much sense, but I want you to know how to do it anyways.

The steps to remove either cpu or mem are analogous. We will show how it's done for cpu here.

Comment out or remove

// /** cpu */
// var cpu = (function () {
//   var that = {};

//   that.source = "cpu/system/TotalLoad";
//   that.sources = [that.source];

//   that.label = newLabel();
//   that.label.text = "---%";

//   that.dataUpdated = function (name, data) {
//     if (!data.value) { return; }
//     if (name !== this.source) {
//       throw ("[CODE ERROR] this routine is meant to handle '"
//              + this.source + "', not '" + name + "'");
//     }

//     var paddedValue = helpers.padStrLeft(parseInt(data.value, 10).toString(), ' ', 3);
//     this.label.text = paddedValue + data.units;
//   };

//   return that;
// }());

Comment out or remove

// checkedConnectSource(engine, cpu.source, cpu);

Comment out or remove

// layout.addItem(sep("{cpu:"));  layout.addItem(cpu.label);  layout.addItem(sep("}"));

The sad result


Without cpu :(

5 Removing wlan entry

The steps to remove either sda or wlan are analogous. We will show how it's done for wlan here.

Comment out or remove

// /** wlan */
// var wlan = (function () {
//   var that = {};

//   that.sourceDown = "network/interfaces/wlan0/receiver/data";
//   that.sourceUp = "network/interfaces/wlan0/transmitter/data";
//   that.sources = [that.sourceDown, that.sourceUp];
//   that.cache = {
//     down: {value: "----", units: "KB/s"},
//     up: {value: "----", units: "KB/s"}
//   };

//   that.label = newLabel();
//   that.label.text = "----KB/s d|----KB/s u";

//   that.dataUpdated = function (name, data) {
//     if (!data.value) { return; }

//     if (name === this.sourceDown) {
//       this.cache.down = data;
//       this.cache.down.value = parseInt(data.value, 10).toString();
//     } else if (name === this.sourceUp) {
//       this.cache.up = data;
//       this.cache.up.value = parseInt(data.value, 10).toString();
//     }

//     var down = this.cache.down;
//     var paddedValue = helpers.padStrLeft(down.value, ' ', 4);
//     var text = paddedValue + down.units + " d";
//     //
//     text += "|";
//     //
//     var up = this.cache.up;
//     var paddedValue = helpers.padStrLeft(up.value, ' ', 4);
//     text += paddedValue + up.units + " u";

//     this.label.text = text;
//   };

//   return that;
// }());

Comment out or remove

// for(var k in wlan.sources) {
//   checkedConnectSource(engine,  wlan.sources[k], wlan);
// }

Comment out or remove

// layout.addItem(sep("{wlan:")); layout.addItem(wlan.label); layout.addItem(sep("}"));

The result


Without wlan

6 Monitoring eth0 instead of wlan0

Your system may have a different device name for wlan (i.e. ath0) or you want to monitor your LAN (eth0) throughput instead.

Though it isn't strictly necessary, I recommend reading on plasma data engines before you continue. Because

  • it's interesting
  • it's the heart beating heart of TextMon
  • you'll know what to do when something goes wrong here.

Use plasmaengineexplorer to figure out the proper source names. For the down rate of the eth0 device it looks like this:



As you can see the source name for the down rate is


and for the up rate


Now compare this with the following code

/** wlan */
var wlan = (function () {
  var that = {};

  that.sourceDown = "network/interfaces/wlan0/receiver/data";
  that.sourceUp = "network/interfaces/wlan0/transmitter/data";

That is right, you can just search and replace "wlan" with "eth"

/** eth */
var eth = (function () {
  var that = {};

  that.sourceDown = "network/interfaces/eth0/receiver/data";
  that.sourceUp = "network/interfaces/eth0/transmitter/data";
  that.sources = [that.sourceDown, that.sourceUp];

What's left is to adjust two places to the change we just made. Change

for(var k in wlan.sources) {
  checkedConnectSource(engine,  wlan.sources[k], wlan);


for(var k in eth.sources) {
  checkedConnectSource(engine,  eth.sources[k], eth);


layout.addItem(sep("{wlan:")); layout.addItem(wlan.label); layout.addItem(sep("}"));


layout.addItem(sep("{lan:")); layout.addItem(eth.label); layout.addItem(sep("}"));

The result:


lan instead of wlan