Data engines

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1.1 Wording

I'm not happy with the wording. It feels like a mere collection of code snippets, glued together with some laconic sentences. The good thing that derives from this is the brevity. I like to keep that, but add a sensible flow.

2 Getting more than one shot

When plasma loads our applet, the main script is run exactly once! To get more than that, we have to convince plasma to give us additional cpu cycles. This is always done by asking for a periodic delivery of data.

3 A sink with a slot

To ask for data we first have to define an object that acts as the data sink. What makes it a data sink is having a slot named dataUpdated.

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {

The name of the sink Object is however arbitrary

var CatDog = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {

We'll dicuss the content of the slot function's parameters name, data in a bit.

4 Connecting the slot to a source

The inquery for data is formulates by connecting our sink to a source. A plasma engine provides sources. They're connected to via their connectSource method. The arguments this method takes are the name of the source, the sink object and the desired interval length in which sink's dataUpdated slot should be called.

var engine = dataEngine("SourcesServingEngine")
var intervalInMilliSeconds = 1000;  // one second
engine.connectSource("SourceOfInterest", sink, intervalInMilliSeconds);

This code has a flaw however. The connection might fail because

  • the source doesn't exist
  • the sink object doesn't define the dataUpdated slot.

This flowing doesn't really handle these situation, but at least tells us about it.

var engine = dataEngine("SourcesServingEngine")
var intervalInMilliSeconds = 1000;  // one second
if (! engine.connectSource("SourceOfInterest", sink, intervalInMilliSeconds) ) {
  print("connection attempt to SourceOfInterest in SourcesServingEngine failed D:");

To find a data engine and the sources it provides we gonna use

% plasmaengineexplorer


Plasma engine explorer

Image plasmaengineexplorer shows the source Local of the time data engine. This code uses it

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {

var engine = dataEngine("time");
if ( engine.connectSource("Local", sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt failed");

print("main.js ends here");

and results in

connection established
main.js ends here

Note that besides the periodically calls by the data engine, dataUpdated is called once when being connected via connectSource. Make sure that it's already there, or the connection will fail as demonstrated by this code

var sink = {};

var engine = dataEngine("time");
if ( engine.connectSource("Local", sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt failed");

sink.dataUpdated = function (name, data) {

print("main.js ends here");

which results in

% plasmoidviewer .
connection attempt failed
main.js ends here

5 Exploring a data source

So far it is only confirmed that dataUpdated was called back by the data engine. Now we take a look at the value of the parameters it is called with.

5.1 name

Consider this code

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {

var engine = dataEngine("time");
if ( engine.connectSource("Local", sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt failed");

print("main.js ends here");

which results in the following output

connection established
main.js ends here

The content of name is the same as the one we gave to connectSource. This becomes important when we subscribe a single sink to more than one data source.

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {

var engine = dataEngine("time");
if ( engine.connectSource("Local", sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection to 'Local' in 'time' established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt to 'Local' in 'time' failed");

if ( engine.connectSource("Europe/London", sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection to 'Europe/London' in 'time' established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt to 'Europe/London' in 'time' failed");

print("main.js ends here");
 % plasmoidviewer .
connection to 'Local' in 'time' established
connection to 'Europe/London' in 'time' established
main.js ends here

5.2 data

Every time the data engine sends its data, the output of this sink

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    print("===== data =====");
    for(var k in data) {
      print("key : " + k);
      print("data[key] : " + data[k]);
      print("typeof data[key] : " + typeof data[k]);

is similar to

===== data =====
key : Timezone Continent
typeof data[key] : string
data[key] : Europe
key : Offset
typeof data[key] : number
data[key] : 3600
key : DateTime
typeof data[key] : object
data[key] : Sun Feb 12 2012 09:46:52 GMT+0100 (CET)
key : Timezone
typeof data[key] : string
data[key] : Europe/Berlin
key : Time
typeof data[key] : object
data[key] : 09:46:52
key : Date
typeof data[key] : object
data[key] : Sun Feb 12 2012 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
key : Timezone City
typeof data[key] : string
data[key] : Berlin

The Offset looks off, doesn't it?. That's because its unit is seconds. My time zone has an offset of

          3600 s * 1 min
3600 s =  -------------- = 60 min
                   60 s

          60 min * 1 h
60 min =  -------------- = 1 h .
                60 min

If you compare this data with what is shown in plasmaengineexplorer, then you'll notice it being exactly the same, except for the actual point in time. The Type entry for each source in the image is the names of a Qt C++ data type. Some of them have an equivalent in JavaScript, like

  • QString <–> string .

For Qt data types that don't have an builtin equivalent in JavaScript we get an object

Lets have a peek into what one of these converted Qt types has to offer

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    print("==== data =====");
    var dateTime = data["DateTime"]
    print('<properties of data["DateTime"]');
    for(var k in dateTime) {
      print("key : " + k);
      print('typeof dateTime[key] : ' + typeof dateTime[k]);
      print('dateTime[key] : ' + dateTime[k]);
    print('</properties of data["DateTime"]');
==== data =====
<properties of data["DateTime"]
</properties of data["DateTime"]

Nothing? That is correct. These JavaScript shells around a C++ object only hand out a string representation of their value.

Though they are not showing up with the code above, these objects have the following methods

  • toString()
  • toLocaleString()
  • valueOf()
  • hasOwnProperty(V)
  • isPrototypeOf(V)
  • propertyIsEnumerable(V)

The Qt docs just mention their existence

For real information head over to Mozilla

However, you probably only ever use toString().

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    print("==== data =====");
    var dateTime = data["DateTime"]
    print("typeof dateTime : " + typeof dateTime);
    print("typeof dateTime.toString : " + typeof dateTime.toString);
    print("typeof dateTime.toString() : " + typeof dateTime.toString());
    print("dateTime.toString() : " + dateTime.toString());
==== data =====
typeof dateTime : object
typeof dateTime.toString : function
typeof dateTime.toString() : string
dateTime.toString() : Sun Feb 12 2012 11:45:39 GMT+0100 (CET)

6 The systemmonitor date engine

6.1 CPU load

6.1.1 The kde system monitor (aka. ksysguard)

Go and start kde's system monitor with

% ksysguard

Yes, ksysguard, not ksysmon. Makes sense, right? No it does not! I'm actually german and I bet my socks on this being a funny little translation error that sticked :P . However, lets take a look at it.


kde system monitor aka. ksysguard

The first tab displays the system processes with their properties., while the second one contains line graphs for certain values, among them the total cpu load. These two tabs predefined, you can't add or remove anything. This isn't the case for user defined tabs, so lets create one

  • File -> New Tab…


Tinker Tab

To the right is the Sensor Browser. Expand CPU Load and in there System. Drag the Total Load(float) Item over to the tab interior and drop it. A popup appears, asking you how the stream of values should be displayed. Select LineGraph and be amazed.


Cpu load

You can try the other display types be right clicking the current display widget, select remove and drag over another item from the Sensor Browser. Mess around to your heart's content. Done? Remove the display widget if there is one and add again the line graph for Total Load(float). Right click the line graph and this time don't select Remove Display but Properties. The Sensors Tab in the windows that comes up shows the name of the sensor

  • /cpu/system/TotalLoad

Take a good look at it, we will soon see it again.


Cpu sensor

6.1.2 The systemmonitor data engine

Plasma fixed the translation error and calls the data engine that represents ksysguar systemmonitor. You can take a look what it has to offer by starting

% plasmaengineexplorer

and selecting it as Data Engine. What you'll see should look familar


systemmonitor : the system's total cpu load

That's right, there it is again

  • /cpu/system/TotalLoad

The name of the Sensor in ksysguard-cpu-total is the same as the source name in the systemmonitor data engine. This is true for all sensors you can find in ksysguard.

6.1.3 Enough pictures, code!

Without further ado, here the code which subscribes to the cpu load source

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    print("==== data =====");
    for(var k in data) {
      print("key : " + k);
      print('data[key] : ' + data[k]);

var engine = dataEngine("systemmonitor");
if ( engine.connectSource("cpu/system/TotalLoad", sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt failed");

print("main.js ends here");

and prints its content on the screen

==== data =====
key : type
data[key] : float
==== data =====
key : units
data[key] : %
key : type
data[key] : float
key : value
data[key] : 1.503759
key : min
data[key] : 0
key : name
data[key] : CPU Total Load
key : max
data[key] : 100

A nicer to look at interpretation is

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    print(data["value"] + data["units"]);
connection established
main.js ends here

But wait, NaN? See also the first data block in the verbose output. It stops after key type. Something is afoot and I do not know what. My guess is that is a bug in the ksysguard component that nobody bothered to fix, because it can easily be worked around like this

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    // No data aviable. God knows why
    if (!data["value"]) {

    print(data["value"] + data["units"]);
connection established
main.js ends here

(TODO: poke #plasma on freenode about it).

When you put your applet into the panel, then space is precious. I'd argue that the decimal digits don't add enough imformation to be included. Use

to drop them

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    // No data aviable. God knows why
    if (!data["value"]) {

    print(parseInt(data["value"], 10) + data["units"]);
connection established
main.js ends here

6.2 Application memory

Same as for the cpu load


ksysguard : used application memory

Here code and output

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    if (!data["value"]) { return; }
    print(parseInt(data["value"]) +  data["units"]);

var engine = dataEngine("systemmonitor");
if ( engine.connectSource("mem/physical/application", sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt failed");

print("main.js ends here");
connection established
main.js ends here

Hm, these values are rather big. Lets convert them from KB to MB

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    if (!data["value"]) { return; }
    print(parseInt(data["value"] / 1024, 10) + "MB");

var engine = dataEngine("systemmonitor");
if ( engine.connectSource("mem/physical/application", sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt failed");

print("main.js ends here");
connection established
main.js ends here

Much better!

6.3 Wlan

The follow image shows the source names for wifi up and down rates.


ksysguard : wlan down and up rate

Note two things: Firstly, why didn't I put both sensors in the same line graph? It used to work, but doesn't in kde-4.8.0. Secondly, there are not one but two sources we're interested in.

6.3.1 Each of the two source by itself

The first source is the rate with which the bits are dripping out of our wlan cable.

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    if (!data["value"]) { return; }
    print(data["value"] + data["units"]);

var engine = dataEngine("systemmonitor");
if ( engine.connectSource("network/interfaces/wlan0/receiver/data", sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt failed");

print("main.js ends here");
connection established
main.js ends here

The second one is the rate with which the FBI is uploading your files onto their servers

var sink = {
  dataUpdated: function (name, data) {
    if (!data["value"]) { return; }
    print(data["value"] + data["units"]);

var engine = dataEngine("systemmonitor");
if ( engine.connectSource("network/interfaces/wlan0/transmitter/data", sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt failed");

print("main.js ends here");

connection established
main.js ends here

slowly but steady >:]

6.3.2 Joining the data

The goal is to print both values on the screen each time one of the sources was updated:

down: 91KB/s up: 5KB/s
down: 91KB/s up: 6KB/s
down: 147KB/s up: 6KB/s

But there is a problem. When yource A is updated, we don't have the values of source B and vice versa. The solution: a cache.

var sink = (function () { var obj = {}

  obj.sourceUp = "network/interfaces/wlan0/transmitter/data";
  obj.sourceDown = "network/interfaces/wlan0/receiver/data";
  obj.cache = {
    up: {value: "----", units: "KB/s"},
    down: {value: "----", units: "KB/s"}

  obj.dataUpdated = function (name, data) {
    if (!data["value"]) { return; }

    if (name == this.sourceDown) {
      this.cache.down = data;
    } else  if (name == this.sourceUp) {
      this.cache.up = data;

    var msg = "down: " + this.cache.down["value"] + this.cache.down["units"];
    msg += " ";
    msg += "up: " + this.cache.up["value"] + this.cache.up["units"];

  return obj;

var engine = dataEngine("systemmonitor");

if ( engine.connectSource(sink.sourceDown, sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection to '" +  sink.sourceDown + "' established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt to '" + sink.sourceDown + "' failed");

if ( engine.connectSource(sink.sourceUp, sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection to '" +  sink.sourceUp + "' established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt to '" + sink.sourceUp + "' failed");

print("main.js ends here");
connection to 'network/interfaces/wlan0/receiver/data' established
connection to 'network/interfaces/wlan0/transmitter/data' established
main.js ends here
down: ----KB/s up: 5KB/s
down: 105KB/s up: 5KB/s
down: 105KB/s up: 5KB/s
down: 91KB/s up: 5KB/s
down: 91KB/s up: 6KB/s
down: 147KB/s up: 6KB/s

6.4 Harddisk

This equivalent to the wlan case.


ksysguard : sda read and write rate

var sink = (function () {
  var obj = {}

  obj.sourceRead = "disk/sda_(8:0)/Rate/wblk";
  obj.sourceWrite = "disk/sda_(8:0)/Rate/rblk";
  obj.cache = {
    read: {value: "----", units: "KB/s"},
    write: {value: "----", units: "KB/s"}

  obj.dataUpdated = function (name, data) {
    if (!data["value"]) { return; }

    if (name == this.sourceRead) { = data;["value"] = parseInt(data["value"], 10);
    } else if (name == this.sourceWrite) {
      this.cache.write = data;
      this.cache.write["value"] = parseInt(data["value"], 10);

    var msg = "read: " +["value"]
    msg += " ";
    msg += "write: " + this.cache.write["value"]
                     + this.cache.write["units"];

  return obj;

var engine = dataEngine("systemmonitor");

if ( engine.connectSource(sink.sourceRead, sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection to '" +  sink.sourceRead + "' established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt to '" + sink.sourceRead + "' failed");

if ( engine.connectSource(sink.sourceWrite, sink, 1000) ) {
  print("connection to '" +  sink.sourceWrite + "' established");
} else {
  print("connection attempt to '" + sink.sourceWrite + "' failed");

print("main.js ends here");
connection to 'disk/sda_(8:0)/Rate/wblk' established
connection to 'disk/sda_(8:0)/Rate/rblk' established
main.js ends here
read: ----KB/s write: 0KB/s
read: 0KB/s write: 0KB/s
read: 0KB/s write: 0KB/s